Contact data VICTOREE PTY. LTD.: address, phone, fax, email, website, opening hours


Region: n/a

Address: n/a, Australia n/a, Australia

Telephone: +61-2-2070-3696 +61-2-2070-3696

Fax: +61-2-6626-9572 +61-2-6626-9572

E-Mail: n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of VICTOREE PTY. LTD.: n/a

Opening hours:

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We found such data of VICTOREE PTY. LTD., n/a as: company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts, finance, vacancies. Download bank accounts, tenders, credit history, taxes and fees VICTOREE PTY. LTD.. Download full report as zip-file.

Registration data VICTOREE PTY. LTD.

Company Name: VICTOREE PTY. LTD.
ACN (Australian Company Number): 106132334
ABN (Australian Business Number): 303851318359
State Registration Number: R88195190
Date of Registration: 29/08/2003
Company Type: Australian proprietary company
Company Class: Limited by Shares
Company Sub Class: Proprietary other
Company Status: Registered
Capital: 597,000 AUD
Sales, per year: More 516,000,000 AUD
Credit rating: Perfect
Employees: Approx. 70

Previous names of VICTOREE PTY. LTD.

Previous names are not found

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Kinds of activities for VICTOREE PTY. LTD.

20919900. Canned and cured fish and seafoods, nec
32999905. Synthetic stones, for gem stones and industrial use
34829900. Small arms ammunition, nec
34899904. Rocket launchers
49530302. Sanitary landfill operation
51370600. Women's and children's dresses, suits, skirts, and blouses

Job in VICTOREE PTY. LTD.: open vacancies, work, career, training, practice

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VICTOREE PTY. LTD. is an australian proprietary company, located in n/a, Australia. Company VICTOREE PTY. LTD. is registered at 29/08/2003, got ACN as 106132334 and ABN as 303851318359; at the moment company status is registered. We found out such reports and documents as address, credits, phone, contact data VICTOREE PTY. LTD. 2024, vacancies, responds, finance, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts and official information from Companies House. Approx. 70 employees work in the company. Founded capital is 597,000 AUD, sales per year are seted up as more 516,000,000 AUD, with credit rating as perfect.
The main activity of VICTOREE PTY. LTD. is Nondepository Credit Institutions, including 6 other directions. Information about owner, director or manager of VICTOREE PTY. LTD. is not available. Products made in VICTOREE PTY. LTD. are not found. Its contact method and company information is above. In the total the company uses 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of VICTOREE PTY. LTD., open vacancies, location of VICTOREE PTY. LTD. on the map. For more information, visit the site or send a request to the company.

VICTOREE PTY. LTD., n/a 2024: full company data. Find address VICTOREE PTY. LTD., phone, email, website credits, responds, VICTOREE PTY. LTD. company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts, finance, vacancies and job, contacts finance sectors VICTOREE PTY. LTD.