All companiesFishing, Hunting and TrappingPAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD

Contact data PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD: address, phone, fax, email, website, opening hours


Region: n/a

Address: n/a, Australia n/a, Australia

Telephone: +61-7-3193-8177 +61-7-3193-8177

Fax: +61-2-6458-2842 +61-2-6458-2842

E-Mail: n/a


Owner / Director / Manager of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD: n/a

Opening hours:

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We found such data of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD, n/a as: company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts, finance, vacancies. Download bank accounts, tenders, credit history, taxes and fees PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD. Download full report as zip-file.

Registration data PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD

ACN (Australian Company Number): 622297572
ABN (Australian Business Number): 62622297572
State Registration Number: R67052001
Date of Registration: 27/10/2017
Company Type: Australian proprietary company
Company Class: Limited by Shares
Company Sub Class: Proprietary other
Company Status: Registered
Capital: 188,000 AUD
Sales, per year: Approx. 647,000,000 AUD
Credit rating: N\A
Employees: More 60

Previous names of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD

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Kinds of activities for PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD

442499. Deep sea domestic transportation of freight, nec
781901. Personnel services, motion picture production
25140205. Stools, household, padded or plain: metal
54519904. Milk
96419905. Food inspection agency, government

Job in PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD: open vacancies, work, career, training, practice

There are not any offers opened for PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD now. Look for opened vacancies in other companies.

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PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD is an australian proprietary company, located in n/a, Australia. Company PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD is registered at 27/10/2017, got ACN as 622297572 and ABN as 62622297572; at the moment company status is registered. We found out such reports and documents as address, credits, phone, contact data PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD 2024, vacancies, responds, finance, company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts and official information from Companies House. More 60 employees work in the company. Founded capital is 188,000 AUD, sales per year are seted up as approx. 647,000,000 AUD, with credit rating as n\a.
The main activity of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD is Fishing, Hunting and Trapping, including 5 other directions. Information about owner, director or manager of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD is not available. Products made in PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD are not found. Its contact method and company information is above. In the total the company uses 0 trading names. You can also view reviews of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD, open vacancies, location of PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD on the map. For more information, visit the site or send a request to the company.

PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD, n/a 2024: full company data. Find address PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD, phone, email, website credits, responds, PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD company information, confirmation statement (annual return), company accounts, finance, vacancies and job, contacts finance sectors PAYDAY DEALS PTY LTD